Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Types of Disability Insurance Available to Tennessee Residents

Social Security offers a number of disability benefits.  I want to talk about two of the basic Social Security benefits, SSDI and SSI, and explain how they are different.

SSDI - Title 2 Disability.   When most people talk about Social Security disability, they are referring to Title 2.  Title 2 disability coverage is based on your employment history.  When you work, both you and your employer pay FICA taxes which entitles you to disability coverage once you have worked long enough.  You qualify for Title 2 by paying into the system, and you can receive these benefits regardless of your income or your assets.

SSI or Supplemental Security Income is also referred to as Title 16.  SSI is a program for needy individuals with limited assets and income.  Because SSI is based on need, no previous work history is needed to qualify.  The monthly benefit for Title 16 is usually less than for Title 2 benefits.  In some cases, a person may receive both Title 2 and SSI.

Both these programs have the same basic requirement.  To qualify for either one, you must be disabled or blind or have a condition that is expected to end in death.  A "disabling impairment" is one that has lasted or is expected to last for at least 12 consecutive months. You do not have to be sick for 12 months before you apply, however.

The process to get either Title 2 or SSI benefits can be lengthy and may require professional legal assistance.  The Forsythe Firm handles both Title 2 and Title 16 claims, and can help you determine which programs you qualify for.

Besides these basic plans, Social Security offers other types of benefits, such as Widow or Widower benefits and dependent benefits for children.

If you have questions about applying for disability, you should seek the advice of a qualified legal representative.  At the Forsythe Firm, we are always happy to give advice or help you get started.   If we can be of assistance to you, don't hesitate to give us a call.

(615) 732-6159
Franklin, TN (Nashville) office

(256) 799-0297  
Huntsville, AL office


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